Aug 18, 2008

Movie Review: Mamma Mia!

Oh Mamma Mia! how I love you!

I went and saw this movie with my momma mia and we laughed the whole time (much to the dismay of other movie go-ers, we are loud, obnoxious laughers). Meryl Streep was amazing! She played the part so well! She had such high energy I couldn't help but dance in my seat. And what a lovely cast of "fathers"! I was excited to see my Mr. Darcy (your Colin Firth), the hilariously singing-challenged Pierce Brosnan (nothing says fish out of water like former 007 tenderly singing) and yes, even that perverted old man played by Stellan Skarsgard. But for me, seeing Amanday Syefried took the cake. As a big fan of Veronica Mars (I have the facebook scores to prove it) I was glad to support any former VM character. All in all, to break the blockbuster melodrama Mamma Mia is the perfect choice.

To see or not to see?
To see!

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