Aug 18, 2008

Movie Review: Lars and the Real Girl

I am a huge fan of Ryan Gosling thanks in equal parts to Murder by Numbers and Half Nelson. Besides, anyone who can go from Young Hercules to an Oscar nomination in less than 10 years deserves attention. It doesn't hurt he's from Canada (which brought us Joshua Jackson...)

But on to Lars and the Real Girl. It had wide praise from film festivals alike, but could Gosling really bring it to this movie or would Half Nelson be his only big hit? It seems that the independent industry is a bulls eye for Gosling because I can't complain about anything in this movie (having Patricia Clarkson and Emily Mortimer in the cast was a major plus). I was so impressed that I gave this movie 5 out of 5 stars on my Netflix queue, which is few and far between.

The emotional depth of this movie is hard to explain if you haven't seen it. From Lars' apartment, to the location, to the facial expressions on each character truly made this a film to remember.

To see or not to see?
To see, right now. Get in your car (or on your queue) and rent this movie immediately, or you will die.

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