Dec 13, 2010

The End Is Near

Lately I've had this feeling that the world is going to end, or could end, at any moment. And I guess in some way that's always possible. Life is so temporary. And we are such fragile creatures.

It's almost 2011. I can hardly believe it. I knew last year that 2010 was going to be intense. I had made the decision to go back to school. And here I am, one semester down. I'm exhausted, my brain is numb, I've hardly seen my friends. But somehow that's ok. Because I made it. I got through. I'm not who I was last year at all, but I know thats a good thing. It means I'm not stagnant. Ive taken risks and grown up and learned about myself through the eyes of people I never would have known otherwise. This year has simultaneously been the worst and best year of my life.

I'm kind of terrified of next year, but hopeful. Is that even possible?