Feb 4, 2008

August: Osage County

Wow, what a week. Sadly I only enjoyed the week from in bed. Being sick sucks.

Right along, then.

August: Osage County, what to say that the professional critics haven't already? As one of the best reviewd plays on Broadway it's hard to say something new. So I'll go from my personal experience.

I'm lucky enough to know one of the actresses in the show, Kimberly Guerrero, so my opinion is extremely biased. But knowing her made me feel like I belonged to this crazy family is some way. The set was one of the most simple, yet amazing, sets I've seen. And don't get me started on how beautiful the Imperial Theater is (which I will have you know I was lucky enough to see from behind the stage!!).

I was either laughing or crying through out the entire show. It was funny, it was moving, and the ensamble cast were all perfect in their portryal of one of the most disfuntional families known to man.

The most touching part of the entire play was when Kimberly aka the housekeeper Johanna, is holding the crazy mother, Violet (played by Deanna Dunagan) and she starts singing to her. I was crying like a baby.

Bottom line: if you can handle the subject matter of insane family drama, go see this the moment you get into NYC.