Dec 29, 2011

The lie had worked so far, but lacey felt its softness, like a floor of rotten boards beneath her feet.

The Passage

Oct 16, 2011

So Maybe Shakespeare Has a Few Gems

Pistol: Bardolph, a soldier firm and sound of heart,
And of buxom valor, hath by cruel fate,
And giddy Fortune's furious fickle wheel--
That goodness blind,
That stands upon the rolling restless stone--
Fluellen: By your patience, Aunchient Pistol. Fortune is painted blind, with a muffler afore her eyes, to signify to you that Fortune is blind; and she is painted also with a wheel, to signify to you, which is the moral of it, that she is turning and inconstant, and mutability, and variation; and her foot, look you, is fixed upon a spherical stone, which rolls, and rolls, and rolls. In good truth, the poet makes a most excellent description of it; Fortune is an excellent moral.

Henry V

Oct 5, 2011

"I don't mean it's interesting that they float," Teddy said. "it's interesting that I know about them being there."

Teddy looked at him directly for the first time. "Are you a poet?" he asked.
"A poet?" Nicholson said. "Lord, no. Alas, no. Why do you ask?"
"I don't know. Poets are always taking the weather so personally. They're always sticking their emotions in things that have no emotion."

J.D. Salinger
Nine Stories

Oct 2, 2011

Trust your heart, buddy.

"The worst thing that being an artist could do to you would be that it would make you slightly unhappy constantly."


Sep 20, 2011

Time is on our side.

Some of the greatest commentary on relationships I've ever heard:

" the beginning of a relationship there are dragons to be slayed."

Too good not to share. I hope my friend doesn't mind I borrowed her words.

Love is a many splendid thing.

Julia had once told him that the ideal partner was one that you could keep in a cupboard and take out when you felt like it. Jackson thought it unlikely that there were women out there who would acquiesce to being kept in a cupboard. Didn't stop men from trying to find them, though.

Kate Atkinson
Started Early, Took My Dog

Sep 18, 2011

You're off the hook.

Pacey: The simple act of being in love with you is enough for me.

Dawson's Creek
The final episode

I don't know why I watch this show over again every year. I also don't know why it surprises me when Jen dies. Breaks my heart every, single time.

Aug 22, 2011

Started Early, Took My Dog

Arkwright banged on the door and shouted, "Hello, it's the police here, is anyone in there? Shit, Tracy, can you hear that?"
Ken Arkwright bent down and looked through the letter box. "Oh, Christ-" He recoiled from the letter box so quickly that Tracy's first thought was that someone had squirted something into his eyes. It happened to a sergeant a few weeks ago, a nutter with a Squeezy washing-up bottle full of bleach. It had put everyone off looking through letter boxes. Arkwright, however, immediately squatted down and pushed open the letter box again and started talking soothingly, the way you would to a nervy dog. "It's OK, it's OK, everything's OK now. Is Mummy there? Or your daddy? We're going to help you. It's OK." He stood and got ready to shoulder the door. Pawed the ground, blew air out of his mouth and said to Tracy, "Prepare yourself, lass, it's not going to be pretty."

Kate Atkinson
Started Early, Took My Dog

This gave me chills on the train today. Kate Atkinson is my hero.