Jul 1, 2009

Movie Review: My Sister's Keeper

Before I review the film I just have a quick note. Though I would have LOVED to see the Fanning sisters play opposite each other (and I honestly believe they would have done an amazing job), I was beyond giddy when I found out that Abagail Breslin was slated to play Anna (the younger sister). Alright then, carry on.

From the beginning I thought this movie was doomed to fail. Cameron Diaz as Sara? Let me get this straight. Cameron is going to play the mother two teenaged children? Just, no. When I heard they were going to make the sisters, Anna and Kate, younger for Cameron I was even more upset. They were playing with fire. They were taking an amazing story and changing the dynamic. BUT-I have to give Diaz props. I was blown away by her abilities. Still beautiful without make-up, she was somehow believable as a tired lawyer-turned-caretaker. Her emotional range was not only surprising but refreshing. I don't know about you but I think the sweet, girly, ditz has been played out by Diaz and I'm grateful that she can stick around doing dramas. She was incredible. Happily, she wasn't even the best part of the movie. Don't mistake me here, I think Abigail Breslin is a very talented young actress and is going to do great things but she is no where near the talent of Sofia Vassilieva. Vassilieva was amazing. I really don't know how else to put it. I was taken aback by her control on screen, her range of emotion, and her quiet beauty. To me, Vassilieva stole the show in an already well acted piece.

I'd like to give a shout out to Jason Patric (as the father), Evan Ellingson (as the brother), and Joan Cusack (as the judge). Well done, supporting cast, well done. I'd like to say shame on you Alac Baldwin for being intolerable and annoying.

Though the movie was amazing, it was not the book. The book far surpassed the movie in story line (yes they were different) and emotional depth. Whether you see the movie or the book first you will find that one will not ruin the other. They differ enough that you can enjoy them both without feeling like you already know what's going on.

To see or not to see?
See, but you can wait to rent it. Read the book first.

To read or not to read?
Read. Go on, you know you want to.

Movie Review: Dedication

I can't help it. I have this crazy love for Mandy Moore. I thought this movie was very well done. I didn't LOVE it love it. But I truly enjoyed it. Billy Crudup did a wonderful job and played the characters neurosis very well. I think it's difficult to play a character who is so completely mad and awfully mean but Crudup did an amazing job of bringing humanity to his character. We easily could have hated Henry Roth. And many times I found myself doing so. But something about the way Crudup played him made me forgive him (especially since Moore's Lucy Reilly could). Mandy Moore did an excellent job (I know, I'm biased) and I find that she really shines on screen. All in all I thought this was a strong directorial debut for Justin Theroux (another actor!). I think when a director is also an actor they can bring a strong asset to their films. And Theroux defiantly has done so.

To see or not to see.
To see.

Movie Review: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Am I the only person who was unimpressed with this film? It had an over the top budget, a slew of amazing actors, and yet there I sat, bored. I had hoped that the story would live up to the hype. Hoped but didn't think it could be pulled off by a bunch of big Hollywood people. The more money that goes into a film, the more hands that go into the cookie jar (case in point, the Newest Indiana Jones). When Brad Pitt looked like an old man (but was really a young man) he played an old man, not a young man in an old man's body (did that make any sense?). Cate Blanchett was beautiful, but she laked emotional presense onscreen. The acting was flat, aside from the amazing Taraji P. Henson.

The cinimatography was amazing. It was a visually beautiful film, but after all is said and done a flawless script and a few good actors are all a talented director really needs to pull off a moving film (Tom McCarthy anyone?).

To see or not to see?
Meh. Do what you want.

A Little Catch Up

It's been about five months since I've logged into my blogspot account. I've been trying to find my creative outlet in other areas, but bottom line, I really enjoy my little blogspot world. I watch entirely too many movies to give proper reviews to them all but my laptop recently died (blue screen of death) so any ability to enjoy a movie will have to be put on hold. I'm going to try to play catch up with the movie reviews as much as I can. So prepare to be overwhelmed with my cynical reviews.

You asked for it Toni, so here it goes.