Jul 1, 2009

Movie Review: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Am I the only person who was unimpressed with this film? It had an over the top budget, a slew of amazing actors, and yet there I sat, bored. I had hoped that the story would live up to the hype. Hoped but didn't think it could be pulled off by a bunch of big Hollywood people. The more money that goes into a film, the more hands that go into the cookie jar (case in point, the Newest Indiana Jones). When Brad Pitt looked like an old man (but was really a young man) he played an old man, not a young man in an old man's body (did that make any sense?). Cate Blanchett was beautiful, but she laked emotional presense onscreen. The acting was flat, aside from the amazing Taraji P. Henson.

The cinimatography was amazing. It was a visually beautiful film, but after all is said and done a flawless script and a few good actors are all a talented director really needs to pull off a moving film (Tom McCarthy anyone?).

To see or not to see?
Meh. Do what you want.

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