Aug 1, 2007

I Suppose

Sometimes I start to reminisce about the past. I wonder what things would have been like had I made a certain decision: went to this school, finished the year in this state, finally told that boy how much I liked him.

But every time I start to get all nostalgic I just think about the ending of one of my favorite movies, Mansfield Park, where Fanny Price is tying up all the loose ends for the characters and after each character she says, "Things could have turned out differently I suppose....but they didn't."

And I remind myself of that every time I start thinking about the "what-ifs" in life. Things could have turned out very differently for me, but I bet you I wouldn't be who I am today if that were true.

Also recommended for the "what-ifs" category, Sliding Doors. This is a fantastically amazing movie.


waldocarmona said...

I love Sliding Doors, it's a really great way to tell a story in a non-linear traditional fashion

Lizzy in the City said...

Oh I know. It was such a well done movie. I saw it when I was 15.