May 20, 2011

Rain, Rain, So Much Rain

He stopped to look ahead. Then the rain started again and this time it wasn't a passing shower, the sky was full of dark gray clouds, he turned up the collar of his suite jacket, it was going to get worse, nothing surer. And he would get bloody soaked.
By the Burn
James Kelman

It has been quite the week here in Lizzy Land. Finals are quickly approaching and it's a good thing because I literally couldn't take another day of classes. By far this has been the most challenging year of my life. But I'm still here. And things can only get better. At least they have to. So, do me a favor, Mother Nature, cheer up. I don't know how much more rain I can take.

1 comment:

toni said...

So proud of your accomplishments and your drive to do well. You are an inspiration. Love you.