Apr 13, 2011

The most important things work out rather beautifully.

"For the faithful, the patient, the hermetically pure, all the important things in this world — not life and death, perhaps, which are merely words, but the important things — work out rather beautifully."
- J.D. Salinger

I'm trying really hard not to be to much of a downer. A friend of mine had a stroke on Sunday night, at 28, and was declared brain dead yesterday. He wrote me a letter and I never responded, due to my selfishness of focusing on my extremely busy life. Sometimes in life we lose contact with people we care about and become insular. It's so easy to do living in The City where every second can be spent doing something with someone. We cancel plans here and there, forget to call, talk of meeting up but never do. It's so easy. So I figured now was as good a time as ever to finally get back to him.

Sorry it took so long, R. Hope this helps

From R:

February 2, 2011
Hey Liz,

thanks for taking a moment to read and digest. It's much appreciated.

i wrote a friend:

I'm in the place that's been my home for 27 years... and i'm lost.

so she responded with:

I am beginning to think being lost is just part of it, who ever thinks they are found is naive. What would being found look like? Definitely not like me.

i responded:

life is a journey, and in every journey we're always looking for something. At each stage we find what we're looking for, we appreciate it for what it is, then we begin the next trek. If within this journey we find that we're lost, then we either continue seeking for what we've been looking for, or we fool ourselves into believing that what we've found is the answer or that we'll never find what we were looking for in the first place. I believe if we accept the last two options, the all we've found is complacency. At this point in my life, there are certain things I want to find, and find myself in. Once I'm found within those things, I can appreciate them and find myself in something else at the next step. But if I'm perpetually lost and I've accepted being lost as my way of being, what motivates me to continue searching?

Dear R,
Never stop searching for your way. It's interesting that at different points in life we are so sure of how things will progress and how they will turn out. When we're little we have this sense that we know exactly how life will turn out. "I'm going to be a doctor!" "A pilot!" "I'll be President!!" No one ever tells us we can't accomplish everything we want. It's only when we grow up and exist in this imperfect and damaged world that we trick ourselves into thinking that we can't accomplish absolutely everything that we want to. The road gets thick with prickly bushes sometimes and it can be hard to find our way back to our road, but it's still there. It just means we have to cut some bushes down. Walk on, R. Never stop searching for your way in life. Time is precious and life is way to short.

I'll see you soon,

1 comment:

toni said...

Liz, so sorry to heart about your friend.