May 14, 2008

News Still Sucks, But People Suck More

Slightly ironically I am reading The Best American Nonrequired Reading of 2007. One day after the cyclone in Myanmar I was reading about Scott Carrier's experience there (Rock the Junta, pg 84). And what I found sad was how controlled the people are by their government. The government censors everything, and I mean everything the people see, saw, listen to, watch, eat, and basically think. What made this reality of restriction so apparent is the way the government will refuse to allow outside sources bring aid.

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej said that Myanmar doesn't want any aid because, "they have their own team to cope with the situation." I understand a government being self sufficient, but to be completely against (or in their minds above) help just shows their limited views on society and a lack of common sense. Instead of putting their pride aside for the welfare of their people, they choose to "lock" their country from help of others.

And what makes this even worse is the threat of another cyclone in the next two days. God save the people.

1 comment:

waldocarmona said...

I feel and pray for all the people affected by the tragedy. Hi Lizzy, long time no see, I almost forgot to read your blog regularly but am glad you update it once in a while.