Jul 10, 2007

I have fallen in love for the first time....and probably the last.

It seems as though I am in a very committed relationship. Most of you who know me know that I am not one to easily, or in this case quickly, commit to any sort of serious long term relationship. But, as love has a way of appearing when you least expect it, I have fallen madly deeply in love with the City of New York.

"Impossible!" You are probably thinking. Well, I am here to tell you it is possible to find true love! And I have found my true love.
From the busy streets where people are as diverse as their clothes; to the muggy, dusty, smelly, subway stations transporting people to their desired location; to the musicians filling every nook and cranny available to showcase their talents; to the myriad of things to do at any given moment; I am in love with this city.

I can't wait to experience the most romantic season here in New York, winter. I believe then I will officially be engaged to the city of my dreams. But for now we are going steady. I think it is almost time for the city to meet my parents!


waldocarmona said...

that's a good use of personification

toni said...

Liz. I knew exactly "who" you were talking about when I began reading this post. I've had two great love affairs in my life- Michael, and New York. Can't wait to see you next week.

Lizzy in the City said...

Aww...everlasting love.