May 14, 2007


I just held Lucas, my sister's baby. It was amazing. She said that he never looks at someone for so long. He was fighting his heavy eye lids to stay awake and stare at me. I have never felt something so amazing as holding a tiny baby like him. He is 5lbs 6oz (he was born two months premature) and he is now a month old. I can't believe how amazing it was.

What a great experience.


waldocarmona said...

too adorable!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does the baby have a tan? ...

I think it's just me. But its kind of interesting to know that with my situation and with your post here holding the baby -- its like two different kinds of situations that make us both reflect and wonder of life.

Your experience here more heartwarming while mine is just ... well... a different thing.

You will have to tell me your experience more when we see each other.

Thanks for checking out my blog - I'm going to continuously come back and see yours and reply back on yours too.