Jul 6, 2009

Movie Review: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Dear Michael Bay,
Don't worry this wasn't completely your fault. With a crap script (thanks in equal parts I'm sure, to Ehren Kruger, Alex Kurtzman, and Roberto Orci) what more could you have done. I'm sure with credits like The Island and Bad Boys (1 and 2) you are well qualified for a movie like this (poorly written scripts and a lot of things blowing up). But reallllly Michael. Really? Fart humor? Crass robots? Really? That kind of writing I expect for a made-for-tv-1980s-movie. NOT for a huge Hollywood blockbuster. You should have insisted that a better script be written. The fans of Transformers deserve more. I deserve more. I expect more. With the success of 2007's first Transformers movie you are expected to give us something bigger and better, not to take ten steps back and leave us with something that smells an awful lot like that potty humor.

I'm very disappointed, Michael, very disappointed indeed.

P.S. Am I the ONLY person who finds Megan Fox ordinary? Honestly, I'm all about the girl power and for building each other up, but what is the deal with Megan Fox? That voice of hers, that I'm-being-cute-talking-to-a-robot-like-it's-a-puppy-voice. It is the equivalent of nails on a chalk board. Please someone explain to me the draw of Megan Fox (other than her body, please!!).

P.S.S. I still stand by Shia. I will always love him.

To see or not to see?
What does it matter. You'll see it either way.

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